Defcon org
Defcon org

  1. Defcon org manual#
  2. Defcon org tv#

That said, the difference is not entirely cosmetic - the population centers are spread out differently between the continents, and as a result, some continents are easier to defend than others.

  • Cosmetically Different Sides: Everyone starts with the same assets and the same population count.
  • It's entirely possible to "win" by harming your allies, both directly and indirectly.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: There is no I in team, as in I win.
  • Bombers on the Screen: Again, the game takes place entirely within a strategic layout screen.
  • The Big Board: The entire game takes place on a strategic layout screen.
  • Petersburg is named Leningrad in game and East and West Germany are separated by borders (although both are part of said United Europe).
  • Anachronism Stew: The former Soviet Republics are separate from Russia (and the European ones are a part of a United Europe), but St.
  • Defcon org tv#

  • It's a reference to the Protect and Survive pamphlets that were planned to be handed out in the UK (along with the TV and radio broadcasts) around the height of the Cold War.
  • However there are some parts where you might not be sure if it was written by a paranoid or a Cloud Cuckoolander.

    Defcon org manual#

  • All There in the Manual: There is a manual available for download off the Introversion website which teaches you the basics of the game.
  • (Also odd is the all-the-rest Asian/Arabic bloc, which unites China, India and Pakistan, both Koreas, the Middle East including Israel and the Arabian Peninsula.)
  • All Nations Are Superpowers: North America, Russia, even a single Europe make sense.
  • Ax-Crazy: In every game mode aside from Survivor, it's not a stretch to say that the player character and all their enemies are mavericks with murder on the mind.
  • Defcon "COCKED PISTOL" 1: Conflict goes nuclear.
  • Defcon "FAST PACE" 2: No change from Defcon 3 (game manual states that fighting intensifies).
  • Defcon "ROUND HOUSE" 3: Can no longer place units conventional warfare commences.
  • Defcon "DOUBLE TAKE" 4: Radar coverage reveals the Fog of War.
  • The level determines what actions can be taken in the game. When playing the game, the DEFCON level increases as the game progresses.
  • Custom: Make whatever game type you want.
  • Tournament: The regular game rules are enforced except that mutiple rounds are played with the territories randomly assigned to each.

  • Defcon org